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About Sofia

About Sofia

Hi dear This is Sofia, a curious reflector and intuitive soul by nature. I was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina where I spent my younger years...

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Profiles in Human Design

Profiles in Human Design

I am a gifted Hermit And you? Profiles are one of my favorite parts of Human Design. I love to play around with people's profiles. It says so much...

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What is my Strategy?

What is my Strategy?

Your Strategy in Human Design is basically your second step of this Transformation Journey - the first step was your Aura Type. Here is where you...

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Qué es el Diseño Humano

Qué es el Diseño Humano

Pensá en un mapa. Un mapa que te da una visión muy precisa de cómo manejar tu energía. Que te da herramientas de autoconocimiento a cerca de quién...

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What IS YOUR AURA type?

What IS YOUR AURA type?

Your aura is your electromagnetic field around you that supports you, allows you to connect with the environment, takes and expels, absorbs the...

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