Embodied Business
by Design


A training to Unleash Your Business Genius

Create, sustain and become the embodiment of an empowered, authentic & heartfelt Business 

Give yourself the full permission to step into your Power as the entrepreneur you most desire to be


I am for the Wild, Brave, Exciting Ride

Close your eyes for a moment and imagine that your business is the man or the woman you always dreamed marrying. How would you talk about it? How much energy and love would you give to? How would you feel when you around it? Imagine now them proposing you…How would you commit to it embracing the unknown, the fears and the sabotaging thoughts of unworthiness and lack?

Can you feel your body responding to it? That is the frequency of your business

And it only begins by you saying: “Yes, I do” 

4 years ago I was playing small, comparing myself to other women, freezing into fear and sabotaging anytime I started creating something. I sucked! I was constantly spiraling down into fear, contraction and stress. 

Today I choose to believe that a different story is possible and that I am here to help women to step into their power, to believe in themselves like no-one else would and to shine their Genius. Because when a sister shines, we all shine stronger and deeper. 

The truth is… it wasn’t always like that

Stepping into the unknown and becoming an entrepreneur has been the most fulfilling, expansive & wild journey of my life. I have never imagined in million years that I would have my own Business.

4 years ago I was bouncing from yoga studio to yoga studio, filling in teaching hours and wishing I would not get injured -again- to be able to pay my bills every month.

It was exhausting and draining and sad…truly sad.

I was living from scarcity, fear and compliance. I didn’t know of my superpowers to create the business I wanted, how to attract my soul clients or -even worse- how to sustain it by only following my heart, my body and my intuition.

I didn’t believe in myself, I didn’t believe I was able to be independent, empowered and confident to create something on my own.

Until I met Human Design. And well… Everything changed in my life.

Love, I became an entrepreneur in the middle of the pandemic with no experience in sells, marketing or business management… wild, right?

I have organically built, sustained and grown through 4 Pillars that have been guiding me: 

1. Becoming the embodiment of my Human Design
2. Letting go of all limitating beliefs I had around money, business and marketing
3. Being driven by my Purpose in my heart
4. Investing in programs that expanded the energy of my Creativity 

We were taught that in order to have our own projects we need to struggle, to suffer and to exhaust ourselves.

But what if there was a different way of creating your own business?

Feeling excited everyday to show up for it

Following your heart wildest dreams and desires

Being yourself authentically and attracting what is right for you

Making your own rules and choosing to trust Life

Following your intuition, your body signs and honoring your energy

Creating with ease, joy, freedom and authenticity

Feeling empowered in your actions

Having clarity to know what to do and why you are doing it

Embodying your magnetism

There is a completely new paradigm for all of us business owners. Where we can be in our feminine essence, celebrate each other, feel empowered to share our voice and authenticity and create from our heart.

YOUR HEART, YOUR VALUES & YOUR ENERGY are your personal brand. You are safe and worthy of doing it your own way.

I welcome you in, love

I won’t lie, this container isn’t only about Human Design

Embodied Business by Design is not just a regular workshop about Human Design. This is where I will share with you the tools and practices that have been supporting me to create a Business that feels like a juicy, exciting, expansive & bold Playground 

  • Leverage your Human Design as an Entrepreneur
  • Become an energetic match and Embodiment of your Business
  • Lead from Heart and Purpose


Woman, let’s Rise Together


This 3 day masterclass is for

Women that are ready to fully step into their power, take a leap of faith, transcend the fears and limitations that are holding them back, have a business that feels aligned physically, energetically and emotionally, voice out their desires and follow up.

If you already have your own Business, starting one or haven’t yet!

What to Expect: 

* Lectures about following your Business Blueprint through Human Design
* Embodiment practices to operate from the wisdom of your body rather than external pressure
* Exercises to transcend your fears and to feel empowered and capable to alchemize into creativity
* Clarity to understand your Why -purpose-, your soul client and your next steps in your projects

Masterclass details

Lifetime access to a 3 part training
On your own pace & desires
Become part of our community

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