Hi, love

This is Sofia

I am a holistic, human design, empowerment and embodiment coach for women that are ready to claim their power back and have a fulfilling, magnetic and hearty life.

Growing up on a hustling, masculine and highly conditioned world, I spent many years trying to fit into a system that suppressed my desires, dreams and emotions. While on the outside, I looked as a successful, strong and fulfilled woman, I lacked connection with my real purpose, my heart and soul and my aunthenticity. I felt lost, confused and burned out.

Until I took a leap of faith, listened to my heart and chose myself. I left everything I thought I knew I was. I lost myself into yoga, meditation, Ayurveda, kundalini, shadow work, buddhism, breathwork, mindset, tantra, embodiment, astrology and human design. Only to find myself again, my life purpose, excitement and passion into my life again.  

As a RAX of 4 ways and Reflector, my mission is to unleash your highest potential, inspire you to be bold and courageous and guide you to embody your most authentic self.

I am on a mission to unlock your highest potential to live a fully on purpose and empowered life


Training & Courses

You were imprinted with a specific Purpose in life and a unique way to operate and drive your own vehicle. Human Design offers us a window into our unique blueprint, and can give us the tools to live an abundant and joyful life.

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